French has 26 letters. Many of the letters are pronounced differently. You may find French letters and their pronunciations useful for instance when you have to spell your name on the phone or writing down an address.

A -- sound "ah"
B -- sound "bay"
C -- sound "say"
D -- sound "day"
E -- sound "uh"
F -- sound "ef"
G -- sound "zhay"
H -- sound "ash"
I -- sound "ee"
J -- sound "zhee"
K -- sound "kah"
L -- sound "ehl"
M -- sound "em"
N -- sound "en"
O -- sound "O"
P -- sound "pay"
Q -- sound "kew"
R -- sound "eyr"
S -- sound "es"
T -- sound "tay"
U -- sound "ew"
V -- sound "vay"
W -- sound "doobluhvay"
X -- sound "eeks"
Y -- sound "ee-grek"
Z -- sound "zed"


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