In French, all countries have a gender either masculine or feminine. All the countries ending with the letter "e" are usually feminine. However, there are some exceptions, example Mexique(Mexico), it is masculine.

All countries carry a definite article.

France is a beautiful country
(La France est un beau pays)

The countries take prepositions according to their number and gender.

a) Use preposition AUX for plural countries

b) Use preposition AU for masculine countries

c) Use Preposition EN for feminine countries


a) I live in United States of America.
J'habite aux États-Unis.

b) They live in Brunei.
Ils habitent au Brunéi.

c) We are in China
Nous sommes en Chine.

Below are lists of countries according to their gender.


Brunei = Le Brunéi
Japan = Le Japon
Portugal = Le Portugal
Mexico = Le Mexique
Hungary = Le Hongrie
Pakistan = Le Pakistan
Zaire = Le Zaïre
Morocco = Le Maroc
Canada = Le Canada
Zimbabwe = Le Zimbabwe
Sri Lanka = Le Sri Lanka
Brazil = Le Brésil
Congo = Le Congo
Gabon = Le Gabon
Vietnam = Le Vietnam
Senegal = Le Sénégal
Nigeria = Le Niger
Cambodia = Le Cambodge
Brukina Faso = Le Burkina Faso
Luxembourg = Le Luxembourg
United States = Les États-Unis
Wales = Le pays de Galles


India = L'Inde
France = La France
China = La Chine
America = L'Amérique
Switzerland = La Suisse
England = L'Angleterre
Belgium = La Belgique
Spain = L'Espagne
Italy = L'Italie
Germany = L'Allemange
Russia = La Russie
Holland = La Hollande
Egypt = L'Égypte
Algeria = L'Algérie
Tunisia = La Tunisie
Mauritania = La Mauritanie
Madagascar = La Madagascar
Australia = L'Australie
Scotland = L'Ecosse
Ireland = L'Irlande
Austria = L'Autriche
Mauritius = La Maurice
Burma = La Birmanie


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